Comparing the LIRP With a Roth IRA

Retirement planning can come in all different shapes and forms, including a variety of different accounts. With each account serving a different purpose, it might be a bit confusing deciding what to invest in. Luckily, Secure Retirement Strategies can be your resource for retirement income planning in Hunterdon County, Mercer

What is an Investment-Grade Insurance Contract?

Investment-grade insurance contracts allow you to not only make tax-free investments but use your money when you need it. You can put your money away, build interest, and earn compound interest, with little to none being shared with the government. You can also leave money to your heirs without subjecting

Why Should You Be Using a LIRP?

Secure Retirement Strategies is dedicated to offering retirement income planning strategies to Lehigh County, PA, and the surrounding areas. We know that most people’s primary method of saving for retirement is either through 401(k) accounts or Roth IRAs. While these are all smart investments to be made, the most secure

What is a LIRP?

A life insurance retirement plan (LIRP) is the most secure method of financial retirement planning you could invest in. Members of Congress and senators have been using this type of policy for decades, so you know that it works. If you are looking into our retirement income planning strategies in

Is This the Best Retirement Plan You’ve Never Heard of?

Here at Secure Retirement Strategies, we help people like you get the most out of their finances, with tax-free life insurance and more. As a long-term care insurance company serving the Lehigh County, PA area, we work tirelessly to help you face your current financial challenges while preparing for what

When to Ignore the Crowd and Avoid a Roth IRA: Part 1

The Rise of Roth IRAs Switching out your traditional individual retirement account for a Roth IRA is often an excellent tax strategy — except when it isn’t. At Secure Retirement Strategies, we’re going to go over the pros and cons in our two-part blog series.

LIRP Before You Leap

Is your retirement looking financially-secure? At Secure Retirement Strategies, we will help you grow your assets, protect your savings, and provide for the people and causes that are most important to you. One of the best ways to protect your financial future is to consider investing in a Life Insurance